If you take a few minutes and visit the website that specializes in statistical analysis of USA Presidential election polls, www.FiveThirtyEight.com , add all the tossup states to McCain's safe and projected seats, and it looks like the United States of America will have a vibrant and aware new President.
Individual investors looking to benefit from the anticipated green energy stocks post-Bush rally may want to consider initiating dollar-cost averaging programs into a few different renewable energy mutual funds and green power exchange traded funds.
Here are a few renewable power investment funds for you to research, prices quoted as of NOV04 2008:
Clean Energy Mutual Funds / Green Power ETFs
New Alternatives Fund (NALFX)
Invests at least 25% of assets in common shares of companies which have an interest in alternative energy. $29.00
Calvert Global Alternative Energy Fund A (CGAEX)
CGAEX invests in the alternative energy sector. Recently held and may still hold top global alternative energy stocks such as Vestas, FSLR, and Gamesa. $8.12
Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy (GAAEX)
Invests 80% in companies involved in the alternative energy and clean energy technology sectors. At 6.21, stock down over 60% from a high around $17. Recently held good positions in Ormat, Vestas, Nordex, EDF, SOLON and Iberdola, all major global competitors in the alternative energy sector.
Market Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF (GEX) Trust
Goal is to match performance of Ardour Global Index (Extra Liquid) (AGIXL) by investing in publicly-listed companies engaged in alternative fuels and clean energy technology and renewable power generation. At 28.17, down from 62; GEX was formerly a Van Eck Fund.
First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge US (QCLN)
Pursues investment results to match performance of equity index NASDAQ Clean Edge U.S. Liquid Series Index (the Index). Shares closed today at 14.33.
Powershares Cleantech (PZD) Portfolio
52 week high is 38.02; shares closed today at 20.04, up $1.37.
PowerShares Global Clean Energy (PBD) Portfolio
Based on the WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index. Focuses on greener and generally renewable sources of energy and clean energy technology. At 14.52, down from 38.10, but up $1.47 on election day.
Publicly-listed Wind Energy Investment Funds
PowerShares Global Wind Energy Portfolio (PWND)
Exposure to worldwide windpower industry, off from year high of 29.09, at 11.92 may be time to dollar cost average a position into this vehicle. Do some research and consult your investment advisor as to suitability for you.
PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy ETF (AMEX:PBW)
Attempts to match investment performance of WilderHill Clean Energy Index (the Index). $10.95
First Trust Global Wind Energy (FAN)
At 14.19 (up 12% today), seeks to track performance of ISE Global Wind Energy Index. Year's high was 31.50.
Solar Power Investment Funds
Claymore/MAC Global Solar Index (TAN)
Worldwide solar power index fund; now at 13.55, the shares have a 52-week high of 30.79, but are also up from their low of 7.77. Invests in many photovoltaic solar power companies.
Alternative Energy Stocks Investing Info
Green Stocks Investing Mutual Funds
PVintell.com Solar Photovoltaic Power Companies
Geotherma.info Geothermal Power Stocks Investing
WindIntell.com Top Wind Energy Investing Blog
WaterIntell.com Water Purification, Desalination; Energy From Water
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